Found On Road....

The Kavanaugh hearings are over, and is now sitting on the supreme court. Cue freakouts by people who bought the media shitstorm. Now, a lot of this has been covered in depth, and I'll link a couple relevant vids below all of this. The carefully constructed story that could not leave her open to perjury. The incident itself which physically sounds like a terrified spin on some horseplay gone wrong - and I personally find the emphasis on how embarrassed she was interesting because I've seen wome…

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Mike, Kav, and Commies

Mike, Kav, and Commies

Mad Mike is on a roll recently. First, he goes into why we should still be talking about giving commies helicopter tours [] as the great St. Pinochet instructed us. > The most retarded thing I saw recently was a Pious with a bumper sticker, "If you don't like socialism get off my public road." Um, shit for brains...roads date from the Palace Economy of the Bronze Age and were invented for the purpose of bringing TAXES into the palace…

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Just Say "No" to Handmaids

Just Say "No" to Handmaids

Cataline Sergius throws himself on the grenade to watch the new version of the Handmaid’s Tale [] . I raise a glass to his sacrifice, so that the rest of us don’t have to. > A Handmaid’s Tale was cobbled together out of random bits of 1984 and Revolt in 2100 back in 1985, by noted crackpot and winner of the Extreme Canadian Award, Margret Atwood. As I indicated the setting is stolen.  As is the plot and subtext.  T…

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Growing out of Codependence

Growing out of Codependence

While my dad was not perfect, it was courtesy of female teachers, and far too much feminist propaganda growing up, that I all too readily believed my mother about his faults, or failed to see the role she played. One result was a long-delayed and ongoing struggle to outgrow “nice-guy” and codependent behaviors (as an aside, No More Mr Nice Guyby Dr Glover was a total eye-opener, and I’d already started the journey well before). Thus this recent piece by Aurini […

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Victim Blaming

Victim Blaming

QuQu does another (as usual excellent) video on Internet Harassment. I’ve personally been banned from sites/conversations, the first time of which was because I pointed out (early in Gaga’s fame, after someone had gushed about a recent single) that yeah, that one was OK, but I really had a problem with the song “just dance” because the behavior of the viewpoint character was horribly irresponsible.Think about it – drunk off her gourd, lost her phone, purse, wallet, etc., separated from her frie…

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