Without Nationalism...

Without Nationalism...

How does World War 2 even make sense? I know, "National Socialists," duh. Let's try to look a bit beyond the painfully obvious, especially since the Germans weren't big believers in nationalism for other people, but instead were prussian supremacists with dreams of empire. Instead, without borders, peoples with a shared culture, ruled over by their own governments and tradition, separate from other nations, why would there even be a reason to resist a few migrants with really cool tanks and u…

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Finding Meaning in Memorial Day

Finding Meaning in Memorial Day

Today is a day taken to honor the fallen. I’ve served, my father has served, and both grandparents served their own countries before then. The history of Memorial day, and of Arlington cemetery, is of interest, but the question I have today is borne of some discussions with my family over this last weekend. Namely – related to nationalism. I’ve mentioned in the past that I’m nearly the lone Trump supporter, and one of three, maybe four, nominal conservatives toany degree in a crowd of feelgood…

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