More Miscellany from the Internet

More Miscellany from the Internet

First, Brian Neimeier discusses that "works of art last" [] - the second half of an old saying many of us, including me until recently, only knew as "life is short." > The equivalent Greek word is techne. That's a big clue that everybody before the Modern era would have put Michelangelo and Steve Jobs in the same general category. Both made stuff according to a standard. That's really what writing is. A carpenter makes a birdhouse by putting…

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Agents, and Other Scum

Agents, and Other Scum

Before I post this, I do have to note that I personally know some smaller - scale (not CAA, or similar) agents and agencies that take their duty to the people they represent seriously. Also, unlike music and movies, some industries still are enmeshed in this ages old system such that, without a representative, the opportunities are effectively nil. Even in such circumstances, be aware that the temptation to double deal when the money gets significant can be overwhelming for even better people, a…

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Cult of the Child

Cult of the Child

So discussing the ugliness [], the propaganda and "sophisticated" writing faults [], and the ugliness disguised as beauty [] as I have been, I thought one more item needed to be looked at. I'm not sure where I most recently heard it, but was reminded of the expression "cult of the child" in regards to several tendencies, mostly parents ca…

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