No Free Tickets

No Free Tickets

The Didact, in an article picked up at MOTW, looks at the costs of taking the ticket []. I can't add much to it, and any excerpt would be worthless standing on its own. I will say this. I am not sure, looking back, when this happened. There was a time I would have gone along to get along, and made the compromises he speaks of. Over time, though, I had heard far too much of what moral compromises were made by those who succeeded, e…

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Our Truth

Our Truth

One thing that drives me nuts is the expression "my truth" or "their truth". Some people don't realize how poisonous it is, they haven't thought it through, but even so, I rarely have patience with it. Why? For the same reasons I have issues with any post modern claptrap, or critical-anything theory - because it rejects truth. Anything said after that, even if objectively correct, is likely to serve falsehood. What brought this post about was being told by a family member, after I refused to c…

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Maps and Territory

Maps and Territory

"The map is not the territory [–territory_relation]." It's both simple, and difficult to unpack. It's also related to the old saw about "the difference between theory and practice." The short version is that the "map", the model we hold in our heads, the very language that we use, has a relationship to objective and underlying reality, but it isn't actually the reality. It's an abstraction. A roadmap you look at on paper or on a screen isn't the…

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#NonTransparent by force.

#NonTransparent by force.

Dr Kelli Ward posted an edited Scott Adams video that makes the same point I did a couple posts back []. It doesn't matter how much more evidence you have of specific ways and means of wrongdoing - it's just icing on the cake. The only thing you need to know is that they kicked the observers out. > The 2020 election was #NonTransparent [] by force. #Bullying […

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How About We Don't?

How About We Don't?

The botttom tweet below is a perfect example of "losing nicely" I don't hang out on twitter - no account. I also dont care if this is a Poe's law case of satire. I've personally had similar comments directed at me, and observed them being made on occasions far too numerous to count. It is wrong, and flat out immoral. From my own post on the Golden Rule [] - or what Taleb calls the Silver rule: > Let me ask you this then. A bully adverti…

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