In a recent discussion of modern media I noted that while there was a fair bit of anime that I did like, I had gotten a lot pickier about what was actually worthwhile and what was just trash. In and of itself, so what. I followed that up though by noting that while there was a degree to which some old movies fell to childhood nostalgia disorder - they were fonder in my memory than the actual quality deserved - and others were better movies than I recalled, the number that were just outright ugl…
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Superversive plays virtue-signalling Oscar bingo [] so that I don't have to: > I don’t think anyone cares about documentaries … (RGB? Zion? I can’t even find an IMDB page on some of these). Foreign language films … Poland did something about the Cold War, which probably slipped in because no one in Hollywood was looking. For the log of God Almighty — FIFTEEN musical score nominations? Fifteen… talk about overkill.…
There's a puff piece pushing Valarie Jarrett's new book about how she was great friends with the Obamas, among other things, full of the kind of details that make, much like Michelle Obama's new book, both pushing wimmen power as the Democrats line up for another "it's her turn" election , vaguely liberal soccer moms and hard core democrat women (if they can be called such) swoon. The following bit in the puff piece [] jumped out at me: > Obama's favorite movies had com…
So discussing the ugliness [], the propaganda and "sophisticated" writing faults [], and the ugliness disguised as beauty [] as I have been, I thought one more item needed to be looked at. I'm not sure where I most recently heard it, but was reminded of the expression "cult of the child" in regards to several tendencies, mostly parents ca…
The propaganda isn't. Not by a long shot. It is no secret that a number of writers in Hollywood were outright communists back in the days of the much villainized McCarthy, and that drips and drabs of propaganda were inserted back then, even if they rarely had the chance to make the entire movie anti-american. I've discussed before [] how even older plays and movies like Fiddler on the Roof were steeped in culture-destroying pro-communis…