Yes, They Hate You.

Yes, They Hate You.

Yeah, I've mentioned it before, but I was reminded that this is not a realization everyone, especially those who are reasonably solid and normal people, have. They hate you. And they want you, and the things you love that don't fit the narrative and <current year>, gone. Gamergate, the puppies, etc., all happened for a reason, and it's not because the Sads and Rabids wanted to take over SF, or that gamers were horrible sexists. In short - they happened because those who want to control the cu…

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Those Evil Algorithms

Those Evil Algorithms

I've written before [] how it's "unexpected" that AI (and body cams), intended to be fair and impartial, suddenly are "racist" and "sexist". Now it's the turn of algorithms intended to make justice more impartial []. Per wired, the subheader: "A 2011 Kentucky law requires judges to consult an algorithm when deciding whether defendants must post cash bail. More whites were allowed to go home, but not blacks." Fu…

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Hating People

Hating People

One thing I've often observed of the left is that to a greater degree than average, they really hate people. Across the board. The good little book-and-wine club mom with the fridge magnet "jokes" about how awful it is to raise kids and talks of children as a burden by default is but a milder example of the butch-haired woman who openly talks about wanting to kill men. Her choice, regardless of the consequeces to the life she carries with her, or to the mental health of her kids down the road.…

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Marketplace of Pretty Lies

Marketplace of Pretty Lies

Maybe not everyone is looking for the best ideas, and instead will buy the ones that make them feel good. I know I've covered this before [], but it bears repeating. There are several assumptions inherent to capital "L" libertarianism that simply do not hold up under scrutiny and history, and inevitably result in its failure. If you've paid attention over at Eric Raymond's blog [], you'll also see a display th…

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Obliviousness, Lies, and Anger

Obliviousness, Lies, and Anger

Over the last couple weeks I've had various discussions, good and bad, about the culture, the degree to which it is compromised, and so on. This has ranged from rage at the suggestion that guys should get married and have kids on the supposed "right" to more pushes for abortion up until the last moments of birth. I think for many who spend time mired in fighting SJW's it is literally unbelievable the extent to which mainstream libs simply take the shibboleths for granted, and seem nice, decent…

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