Several recent posts deal with the effort to tear down the family, the borders between adults and children (part of a hatred of boundaries [] I'd already noted..), and the story of Moira Greyland. First - I came across from this piece by Paul Lucas, “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law” [] . It's actually the second part of a series. It opens with…
All posts in science fiction
OK. I mentioned the other day that I understand rabbit holes that smart people go down. Looking back, I wasn't sufficiently clear, because I strongly implied that I was above it, not in the sense that I didn't go down them, but that I had completely come back out of all of them, and now agreed with what all the "smart" people say is true. I haven't. "Woo-woo beliefs" Moon First of all, while I'm certain for a number of reasons that we did put men on the…
There are a number of different space warfare games. Some are purely strategic, like the Traveller-based Fifth Frontier War, or a mix, like the Starfire system used to inspire several of David Weber's non-Honor Harrington books. Others are very tactical. Take Star Fleet Battles, or Talon. Not many were realistic. Sure, SFB could get as insanely detailed as a game of Harpoon, but it was still warp drives and swooping spaceships. Very little captured the freedom of motion of fighters in Babylon…
Recently they mentioned Pournelle's The Mercenary over at the Castalia House blog []. In the summer between middle and high schools, shortly after moving to a new school system yet again due to the usual military brat lifestyle, I hit up the new library and found a beat up book in the spinner of those they were trying to sell off to make room with a muscular semi-futuristic soldier holding a rifle against an orange background. I was already familiar w…
A few odds and ends that don't wuite need a full writeup but I think are worthy of attention and a couple quick notes. First of all, Castalia House takes a quick look at Dwarf Fortress [] . I don't have much more experience with the game than they do, but have managed to arrive at a couple unpleasant fates for our poor delvers. I'll note that there's a total newb pack […