A Wolfe Among Sheep

A Wolfe Among Sheep

Science Fiction author Gene Wolfe has left this mortal realm. Ages ago I had a coffee-table book titled something like "Worlds of Fantasy" that, while it also unfortunately introduced me to Earthsea and Gormenghast, also introduced me to Covenant, Elric, and best of all, Conan, Jack Vance's "Dying Earth," and Severian [https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Book_of_the_New_Sun]. An unassuming boy, a member of a torturer's guild on an Earth so far in the future that, like Vance's, our sun was on the…

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Grab Bag Posting

The inevitable yet "surprising" end of Panera's socialist restaurant experiment [http://thesilicongraybeard.blogspot.com/2019/02/panera-breads-socialist-restaurants.html] . Who'd have thought that asking freeloader types who want other people's money to pay their fair share out of the good ness of their heart to get a meal would leave you going broke? I know, sarcasm. While on the topic of inevitable yet surprising, who'd have thought that inviting in the third world would bring about third wo…

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Modern "Entertainment" Grab Bag

Modern "Entertainment" Grab Bag

While I haven't spent as much time as a good chunk of the pulp rev crowd discussing the crap that often composes modern storytelling and entertainment, I've certainly psted a couple, such as my recent run-in with the Bandersnatch [https://thelastredoubt.com/beware-the-bandersnatch/]. I certainly haven't done the heavy lifting that, for example, Jeffro has with his Appendix N series. Many of the modern issues go deeper than just an SJW desire to inject politics - or as Xavier more properly notes…

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Beware the Bandersnatch

Beware the Bandersnatch

For those who haven't unplugged from TV entirely or are considering it [https://barbarianbookclub.com/2019/01/01/removing-television/], whether it's because of ready access to older titles (though Netflix has fewer and fewer such options...) or other reasons, it's clear that nihilism has taken ground everywhere and tries to extend its reach along with the tendency of netflix shows to increasingly get woke. Yeah, I know, the 70's is calling. You'd be right. That said, there was a resurgence of h…

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