Lector over at Men of the West recently posted on Stupid Teachers [https://www.menofthewest.net/stupid-teachers/], and his experience getting placed in a remedial reading class. The highlight was the total inability of the school administration to believe their own eyes about his ability to read but instead believe a failed multiple choice standardized test that he had obviously answered one-off. I've generally avoided tooting my own horn, but it echoed all too many experiences I had. That sai…
All posts in culture
There's more than enough things that are obviously, from a fit, finish, design, etc. standpoint simply not built to last. These days, you'll often see them referred do as "cheap plastic crap from China", or something similar. Similarly, the lifespan of clothes washers and similar appliances these days are not what they used to be either, even in the more expensive brands. Even with more expensive brands where the fit and finish is good, it's usually cutting material amounts to save weight and…
Just like "literary fiction," is just as much of a genre as Westerns, there is of course a meta-genre of "Oscar bait." My previous posts on guessing the winner were utterly based on the fact that, with a large number of films being competently acted, directed, erdited, etc., the only real question to winning an Oscar was "does it fit the current woke zeitgeist"? Over at rt, someone else noticed this [https://www.rt.com/op-ed/478360-jojo-rabbit-oscar-holocaust/]: > It goes like this: if you wan…
A lot of people conflate "legal" and "moral." This of course was the favorite way for entertainment pedowood types to strawman "conservatives" compleat with phrases like "nothing personal, it's just business," when anyone who actually has done business knows it's all about being personal, and establishing relationships, especially at high level sales. It is also, of course, how cuckservatives will gladly buy into "legal" immigration without asking the question "so what if we made it legal for an…
Not much of a spoiler here, so no real warning. One of the things that caught my attention in the film 1917 was the way that cultural touchstones were shared. Among them, there's a scene at the end where a soldier is synging a hymn, from memory, no songsheets, and everyone is sitting listening. Another is near the beginning where the General Erinmore, sending the Blake and Schofield off, explains his choice with a line of poetry. This of course brought to mind the Copy-Book Headings [http://w…