Petty Misery

Petty Misery

No, this is not a reference to Pelosi tearing up her copy of the STFU speech Trump delivered, or the Dems behavior in general, though the Fist of course has his usual Not-Safe-For-Work take on it. No, this instead is about a set of posts that touch on interrelated themes. The first is a post referencing Brian Niemeier [] - author of the outstanding Souldancer and Nethereal, as well as a new mecha series - over at kairos, discussing the big lie shared by all of the…

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Odds and Ends, and a Bit of Beauty

Odds and Ends, and a Bit of Beauty

First, a couple good links from Pulprev author Ben Cheah's site. He had a short story in Riding the Red Horse, and also authored the excellent No Gods only Daimons, and Hammer of the Witches. I'd previously linked to him in a post on " realism []." On his winding road to the pulp revolution []. Fantasy without fantasy […

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They Hate Us and Want Us Dead, part ∞

They Hate Us and Want Us Dead, part ∞

They hate us, and they think we're idiots. It's not just SNL recently running a skit bashing any form of defense by Trump, and by Derschowitz as his lawyer, or pretending like the republicans are not wanting to call witnesses when the name of the game has been effectively only the Democrats callng witnesses, especially in the house, while not answering questions regarding who, what, and how. It's the news playing the usual games with those who don't have the option of "don't talk to the media…

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Ideal Parenting

Ideal Parenting

Alexandru Constantin posts a correction [] to his earlier statement that: > I wholeheartedly believe that the ideal situation for raising children is having a stay at home mother and a father that is available as much as possible. I understand that this is not possible or desirable for everyone, but, once again I re-iterate that I believe that the above is the ideal. The correction? After some commentary, the realization that no,…

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Inversions, and Buddhism

Brian over at Kairos recently posted about a run-in with what he terms a "McBuddhist" []. > In point of fact, yes, the Church claims universal moral authority. That is why she calls herself Universal. Christians hold that Christianity is true, Boomer-grade solipsism notwithstanding. But more to the point, Christendom is Christian. It doesn't take a genius to see why living within Christian society while denying Christian moral authority i…

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