Another one Bites the Dust

Another one Bites the Dust

While I'm somewhat ambivalent of the hit Crowder has taken - his recent stint trying to pal up with Glenn Beck and the sudden disappearance of two prominent characters just don't set well with me - he is far from the only casualty of the recent purges. Of more concern to me is the recent banishment of Black Pigeon. Yes, even being a pigeon-saving vegan who speaks calmly and in dialectic, precise language on a broad range of topics, even those harmless to the powers that be, has been kicked off.…

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"Love" and "Hate"

It's no news to those of us here, the left hates us. The left pushes the worst form of depracity though, and not only expects you to "accept" it, but you must approve it. Again, not news. That said, it's worth noting that, and as Aurini explores the background on why [], the gap is growing and getting more extreme. The left truly is losing their mind. > This article starts with two premises: first, that political orientation i…

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Norwegian Cinema: The Wave

Norwegian Cinema: The Wave

My introduction to Norwegian cinema didn't start with the recently mentioned Kon Tiki []. For that matter, it didn't start with the movie I'm discussing today, but if I recall, with either the Netflix series Lillyhammer, or a dark little piece called Headhunters []. While both were okay, the first one that actually impressed me was a disaster movie I found mentioned over on Quintus Curtius's…

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Steaming Pile of Nope

It's sad how quickly it's obvious that something is just going to be pretentious trash for IYI's [] . > Director James Gray (The Lost City of Z) has said [] he wanted to make a film that depicted space travel as realistically as possible "and to basically say, 'Space is awfully hostile to us.' It’s kind of a Heart of Darkne…

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A Bit of Cyberpunk

A Bit of Cyberpunk

While I'm never not going to be a metal/rock guy, I took a long tour through trance, and other modern dance including the Cruxshadows end of darkwave, and more recently, The Midnight and other retrowave groups. As a result, I was overjoyed to stumble into Didact's recommendation of Scandroid []. The first track he shows, "Empty Streets" has not only an excellent and evocative sound but a stylish 8-bit lyric video. So, to follow o…

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