

We already are forgetting. Some of it, I know for a fact, are the rabbits, the R-selected liberals, who want to turn away and forget that there are wolves, that death waits. Who find remembering what happened “too morbid” or “too sad” or “you’re just stirring up anger against muslims” as if that’s a trump card. I don’t remember because I want to feel pain. I remember because I must – so the people who died that day are not forgotten. So that we don’t forget the systemic malfeasance that led up…

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Stefan Molyneux and Scott Adams on Youtube

Stefan Molyneux and Scott Adams on Youtube

It’s been a long time on this rock, and I’m sure in five or ten years, I’ll think I’m even wiser. Or at least learned a few more lessons the hard way. Nevertheless, I was watching an interview with Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsH17taSBzo], and I was floored by the number of threads that came together for me that I’d been mulling a while. First – background – I’ve been through most of the political spectrum at one time or another, in search of truth. I’ve lef…

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What Happens Nextdoor is Racist! (and White Girl Bleed a Lot)

What Happens Nextdoor is Racist! (and White Girl Bleed a Lot)

There are a lot of people who are not, by self-description, “Alt Right”, who nevertheless are kindred spirits. They search for truth. And because the truth simply is,there may be disagreements over what exactly it means, but at least they live in the same world, and not one of lies and delusion that we children of the 70’s were raised in. Some are aggressive, others take a more passive approach, staking out their territory and saying “here I stand, this is true.” One of the latter well worth pa…

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#Coincidentally - another old lady killed....

#Coincidentally - another old lady killed....

Colin Flaherty – always worth listening to – posts another example of Black on White violence. Motives of course, are unknown. “Maybe they shouldn’t have made that black kid angry” https://youtube.com/watch?v=-zc6tTnl2LM His podcast and book, “White Girl Bleed a Lot” are worth digging through. So is the followup “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry”.…

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Wait, They Invaded Geek Culture?

Wait, They Invaded Geek Culture?

If it weren’t for leftist papers, would England have any? Anyway, we havethe latest dreck [http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/how-the-alt-right-invaded-geek-culture-a7214906.html] at the “Independent”. One really has to try, or be profoundly ignorant of ones ignorance, to be so consistently wrong. We’ve always been here – and only someone ignorant of the background of computer culture, gaming culture, Sci Fi culture, etc. would think otherwise. The “invasion” they see is a backlash – some ar…

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