Charlie Daniels - on Politicians

Charlie Daniels - on Politicians

I discovered this statement by Charlie Daniels [] courtesy of Peter Grant [] . > Any conversation about what is wrong in America usually starts and ends with scathing criticism of the men and women we send to the National and State Capitols to represent us and handle the business of running our nation. And while…

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The Personal is Political, and Halloween

The Personal is Political, and Halloween

Just in case, despite all of the recent election coverage, gamergate, the ousting of Brendan Eich, etc., anyone is still convinced that SJW’s and their snow-flakiness is restricted to college campuses, we are reminded, yet again, of exactly how petty SJW’s can be. They simply cannot leave anything be, but just have to crap all over everything, and once they’ve shat one nest, they’ll seek out new places to crap all over until everyone is as miserable as they are. What is it this time? Halloween…

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Scott Adams, Persuasion, and Hillary

Scott Adams, Persuasion, and Hillary

Scott Adams, of Dilbert Fame, had for quite some time now been endorsing Hillary for President.> As most of you know, I had been endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, for my personal safety, because I live in California. It isn’t safe to be a Trump supporter where I live. And it’s bad for business too. But that haschanged [] . Lets look into the reasons. First, he flat out admits he doesn’t know enough ab…

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A Constitution is Only as Good as the People Living Under It - Systems and Principles

A Constitution is Only as Good as the People Living Under It - Systems and Principles

OK – so due to the interview between Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, about habits, patterns of thought, free will, and tools to reprogram ourselves. So now – government. The constitution, the original document as written, is a system. A tool. Like all tools, it is morally neutral, and it is actually the Bill of Rights that provides moral boundaries, or guiding principles to it, while the earlier Declaration in a way provides aspirational inspiration. Even in…

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