A While back I'd written a post on safety being important, but not the most important thing [https://thelastredoubt.com/safety-third/]. Safety has to serve repeatably getting things done, and is not an ultimate virtue in and of itself. Put another way, there is a difference between staying alive, and living. Every choice involves risks, and one of the most common causes of death is slipping in the shower or bathtub. A guy can die as a result of simply falling over in his house and hitting his h…
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I'd already covered this once [https://thelastredoubt.com/joggers/], but more information has come to light, and Rekeita had Branco on for an interview. I think the overall discussion by Branca with Rekeita is good, but I'd like to address one area where he, by focusing on the legal argument, undercuts the moral argument by declaring he thought the McMichaels were unwise, but worse, by classifying citizens arrest laws as an artifact of the past. He also discards any importance in looking at th…
I've been slow to keep up with the outrages du jour, so it was only the other day I heard about the shooting of a guy in Florida for "just going out for a jog while black". I know the media and the grievance cultists have been looking for another genuine Dylan Roof, and demand has so exceeded supply that nearly every supposed hate crime - Smollett, anyone? - has been faked by the supposed victims. "But, there's video!" OK - maybe the NAACP struck gold again after all this time, but…
Yes, Karens are everywhere. I don't know if they are predominantly an anglo-saxon thing [https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/2020/05/08/the-answer-to-the-karen-is-the-patriarchy/] , but every example seen so far has met that demographic quite nicely. There is a male version though. For those born in the 70's, you may remember the animated smurfs series, with "Brainy", an obnoxious gamma twit, having the tagline "Papa smurf always says". That is your male proto-Karen. The guy who can't stand to…
If you've been going down youtube rabbit holes, spending time on social media, or have family who do, you might have a video similar to the below come to your attention: Of course, at the end, the video exhorts us to have more awareness of our connection to nature. It's part of a general leftist trend of looking at the changes quarantines and "social distancing" hath wrought, and drawing the wrong lessons from it. When I had this passed to me, it was with a "why can't it be like this…