Saw John Wick the other day. Lots of action, interesting characters, with yet again a lot of John Wick's history and background exposed by how he is treated by the people he meets, including the surreal experience of a fanboy out to kill him. If you liked the first two, go see it. Men of the West has an interesting, spoiler filled take [] on it and the relationships between boomers, gen-X, and millenials, after their initial teaser setting up the…
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Cataline makes an excellent observation I think, with the caveat that, quite obviously, GoT/ASoIaF is set in a fantasy universe. Game of Thrones is horror [], and that's pretty much what George knows how to write. > I remember skimming back and forth in the first two books of the series (the only ones I read, I grant you), trying to find a battle scene and there just isn’t one. What you get are people describing the the aftermath…
First of all, to absolutely no-one's surprise, at least no-one who has been observant, the press isn't spending a lot of time reporting on the recent STEM shooting [] . It violates the narrative in almost every conceivable way. Kids using handguns they couldn't legally buy, including a "trans" "boy" who's dad was a repeat offender and abusive illegal immigrant (why is he/she trans? Hmmm), who hated Ch…
While I recently posted on something that popped up at Bruce Charlton's blog that I disagreed with [], there are reasons I pay attention to his site, and not to find ragebait to get spun up over. Not coincidentally, I'm effectively in complete agreement with this post against topical rants. [] > “Outrage du jour” posts serve a definite purpose – whether or not this purpose…
One friend pointed out that, while being willing to do something publicly as yourself is far from a guarantee of truth and honesty. Sure, they've got more skin in the game, and that does speek to a higher degree of certitude or courage, but not only could they still be wrong, there's also the very real phenomenon of people willing to do insane or controversial things for some publicity or attention.…