On The Path of Character Generation

On The Path of Character Generation

So I've alrady set up a flask dev environment and MongoDB server. I've also take the opportunity to read through the character generation rules with a fairly close eye to map out the procedure, sans actual charts and switching logic for die roll results. What follows is but the first of over three pages of flow chart. Oh, and for a bit of classic humor from the Traveller Book:…

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Monumental Cock-Ups - SSL Certs

Monumental Cock-Ups - SSL Certs

Let's Encrypt is an excellent service and idea, and well executed. Unfortunately, they had a bug in their processes that results in a number of possibly bad certificates [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/03/lets-encrypt-revoking-https-certs-due-to-certificate-authority-bug/] . Thee short answer is that if you have a site or service that relies on LE via certbot or ACME, you need to go ahead and manually force an update. My cert has been updated within the last two days so it…

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Glorious Battletech

Glorious Battletech

Over at Walker's Retreat [https://bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com/2020/02/my-life-as-gamer-amaris-civil-war.html] , he links to a couple videos on the history of the in-universe lore of Battletech, and points out that yes, Battletech doesn't get the love it should. Cue Razorfist: Yeah. I bought my first copy of the base Battletech rules when game shops still had copies of it's earlier iteration, BattleDroids on the shelves - rename courtesy of Lucasarts. The artwork varied from utterly pedestria…

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Frameworks, Libraries, and Learning Curves

Frameworks, Libraries, and Learning Curves

I've been quiet recently as I've both been prepping for a personal hobby project and putting a customer project to rest. On the work front, I was dealing with a combination of limitations in Amazon's built in VPN and the fact that the IBM environment we were trying to connect to overlapped the VPC. Namely, we needed to do NAT translation across the VPN, and Amazon doesn't do it. OK, fine, spin up a Fortinet instance, or a mikrotik instance, or even just an ubuntu/etc. instance and install Open…

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"No True Socialism"

"No True Socialism"

One failing that I won't ditch an otherwise honest historian for is that of "No True Socialism" - especially when it comes to accepting the big lie that Nazi Germany was really "right wing". Which brings me to Indy Neidell, of The Great War, World War II, and Sabaton History channels on Youtube. Overall, it rests on several theses I've heard over and over again. Among them are that there is a "third way", that the Socialism was "just in name" much like the "democratic" part…

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