Literally or Seriously?

Literally or Seriously?

I've seen it said that those opposed to Trump take him literally but not seriously, and those who support him take him seriously but not literally. There's some truth to that, but I don't think it is quite right. The problem is that "taking him literally" is done very selectively. Just try to get any Trump hater, especially a woman who's face betrays her disgust as she calls him an illiterate pig, to actually literally parse his "grab them by the pussy" comment. Vulgar? Yeah. But accurate -…

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Project Updates

Project Updates

While I had plenty of experience with MySQL and similar databases, I've started learning the ins and outs of MongoDB, and with the appropriate explanation, now "get" why NoSQL is becoming popular. It's pretty straightforward for anyone who's worked with Python dictionaries or JavaScript objects before. That said, my project scope has changed. I'm going to skip doing Python/Flask first. It boils down to the fact that I don't want to mess in multiple languages, and that, despite liking python a…

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Right To Be Rude vs SJWs

Right To Be Rude vs SJWs

Eric wrote a good post on the sad goings on at the Open Source Initiative []. The article, and comments are, as usual, worth reading (even when I disagree with Eric, which is not so much, here). > The historian Robert Conquest once wrote: “The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.” Today I learned that the Open Source Initiative has reached that p…

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Just In Time... For Now

Just In Time... For Now

Cataline over at the Dark Herald recommended that if you want a computer upgrade, get it now [] . > No big deal it happens every year. Vendors plan for it by stocking up their inventory. Nobody really likes stocking up their inventory since it ties up a lot of capital in way that can’t be quickly liquidated at need. But it has to be done and once fabrication starts up again the inventories smooth out as the s…

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Open Borders on a Personal Level

If we're going to be consistent on that whole no personal property, good of the people, no countries, no borders thing [], along with the "personal is political", we should actually be consistent, right? And even if a culture enricher from a disadvantaged country doesn't identify what we would call rape as such, maybe he thinks of it as "play", who cares what boundaries people cross? Borders don't exist, after all. Me?…

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