While I've burned out on miniature-based games as an expensive hobby who's changing rulesets demand new minis - even Warmachine and, to a lesser extent, Malifaux escaped their small-scale skirmish roots - I still love modeling, and there's something about the fine work of assembling and painting minis or airplanes and tanks that is simply calming and satisfying. I also love a good wargame. I haven't had the chances I'd like to mess with ASL or The Fifth Frontier War, nevermind delve into the "b…
For one boardgame that I play, looking around for other sources of strategy and knowledge, I came across a mailing list dedicated to the game which I largely ended up ignoring for years until it absolutely blew up because the original designer was looking to republish the game and decided to do so with a very, very, no-good and bad person. This is not what this post is about. In the process of the back and forth, most of the crowd, much like the forums at BGG over the GMT and colonialism iss…
The Didact, in his excellent Memorial Day wrapup for Monday [http://didactsreach.blogspot.com/2020/05/monday-morning-with-fallen-soldier.html] , reminded me that I wanted to cover this commentary by Razorfist on Intellectual Property. The Didact notes: > I used to be a libertardian, so I had a lot of sympathy for the idea of doing away with IP rights entirely, but I was never fully convinced by the arguments against IP. Looking at the arguments given by the Razorfist, he makes a very compelli…
MOTW has a post up on "Peak Hollywood [https://www.menofthewest.net/?p=25681]" and how everything coming out in the near future is a sequel. I fully agree that Interstellar is likely the best film of the last several decades. Dunkirk was also amazing. Time to queue it back up and watch it again. Don't miss the link to the review by John C Wright [http://www.scifiwright.com/2014/12/interstellar/]. As an aside, the number of clueless idiots who bashed on the treatment of love in teh film as "n…
Today we honor our fallen. Those who, one way or another, paid the price in lives cut short to serve in the military. Even in these last few decades where few of the conflicts we've mired ourselves in were just or in the national interest - at a minimum to the scope we've taken to the field - insofar as we still have actual teeth, the military has served the vital role of being the stick to talk-diplomacy's carrot. You don't get a bully to stop with letters to the editor or…