It is supposed to be the job of the prosecutor to find the truth - or at least something that is as close to the truth as can be determined. Unfortunately, factor in the fact that most prosecutors won't even try a case they don't think they can win, or should win, and there's a strong incentive to bend the rules a bit to "win" the cases chosen, vice letting the evidence lead where it may, above and beyond professing the state's narrative based on already known facts. That is…
All posts in self defense
The behavior of the prosecution in Kyle Rittenhouse's case is nothing short of abominable. Ignoring the severe "eat my cake AND have it" fifth amendment issues in Kyle's cross examination that ended up with the judge yelling at binger, or repeated examples of Binger - the only major character on the court stage without a nickname - and his assistant being petty and malicious, there was also today's example of arguing to keep a charge in when they knew, flat out, according to the judge's instruct…