A Constitution is Only as Good as the People Living Under It - Systems and Principles

A Constitution is Only as Good as the People Living Under It - Systems and Principles

OK – so due to the interview between Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, about habits, patterns of thought, free will, and tools to reprogram ourselves. So now – government. The constitution, the original document as written, is a system. A tool. Like all tools, it is morally neutral, and it is actually the Bill of Rights that provides moral boundaries, or guiding principles to it, while the earlier Declaration in a way provides aspirational inspiration. Even in…

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Another Name for "Habits": Systems... a Continuation

Another Name for "Habits": Systems... a Continuation

So Stefan Molyneux interviewed Scott Adams [https://thelastredoubt.com/2016/09/stefan-molyneux-and-scott-adams-on.html] a while back, and covered a lot of interesting ground. I don’t want to get into the whole free will vs. meat-robot thing here – and will go ahead and agree with the following – we are hugely influenced, and strongly driven by our bodies, our instincts, our habits, our hormones, what we ate and how that affects our mood. So much so that we fall into ruts, and cannot break out o…

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What is Not Permitted is Forbidden - RPG's and Detailed Skills Systems

What is Not Permitted is Forbidden - RPG's and Detailed Skills Systems

Over at the Black Gate, a Game Master discusses why he ran an old-school style game for his friends instead of Pathfinder [https://www.blackgate.com/2016/09/08/why-i-went-old-school-or-swords-wizardry-vs-pathfinder/] , a system he’s also very familiar with. > I used this when explaining S&W to one of my new players. Now, in Baldur’s Gate, he would click on the ‘Find Traps’ skill and if a trap was nearby, it would be outlined on screen in a red box if detected. And he is aware that in a modern g…

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I Choose Anger. I Choose Intolerance

I Choose Anger. I Choose Intolerance

Meanwhile, back a few days at Vox Day’s [https://voxday.blogspot.com/2016/09/nobody-ever-did-nothing.html] – a comment: > Everyone knows about the paradox of tolerance. The solution is simply to choose intolerance. The thing about SJWs is that they continue to call intolerance “tolerance.” Herbert Marcuse, doyen of the New Left, coined the term “repressive tolerance” for it, which is of course an oxymoron. They love such wordplay. Makes them feel clever. It gives me the shivers. Me too. We…

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"Video Games Aren't Art"

"Video Games Aren't Art"

A pretty interesting article on video games, and whether they are “art” [http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2016/09/no-video-games-arent-art-were-better.html] .. > The Last of Us is a truly great game. Many have written about it, including me. I recommend it very highly. But here’s what bugs me. The cutscenes of The Last of Us told a very good story. Those cutscenes, all together, would make a solid B+ zombie movie. But when bloggers wrote about it, they treated the actual game part of The Last of…

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