While Stranger Things has accumulated accolades, and I sortof enjoyed it, it was mostly because it didn’t completely suck or immerse itself in liberal preachiness. So if you want something even Stranger, and laugh-out-loud funny, maybe check out this freewheeling story of an inter-dimensional insurance agent [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1522642145/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1522642145&linkCode=as2&tag=thscphsh-20&linkId=d187bdbea332dff5a00ad97b75b0c556] , by…
All posts in Larry Correia
Larry Correia, the mountain that walks, the International Lord of Hate of the Evil Legion of Evil, and Sad Puppy One, takes a break from vacation to respond to someone being stupid on the internet [http://monsterhunternation.com/2016/12/30/fisking-the-huffpos-snooty-rant-about-self-publishing/] . And since it is the Huffington Post, it is very, very stupid indeed. An excerpt (but please, read the whole thing. The only people who write as prolifically are Johns, Wright and Ringo): > Writing is h…
One of the reasons I will effectively drop anything and everything to read a book by Larry Correia, aka the “International Lord of Hate”, is that he not only is nearly as prolific as John Ringo, but is, if possible, even funnier when he goes off on a rant. Given the high bar needed to exceed the utterly inspired Ravencon AAR [https://thelastredoubt.com/content/images/2016/12/RavenCon202006.pdf], that is saying something. So, in part due to slow blogging activity over at Monster Hunter Nation,…