I've been slow to keep up with the outrages du jour, so it was only the other day I heard about the shooting of a guy in Florida for "just going out for a jog while black". I know the media and the grievance cultists have been looking for another genuine Dylan Roof, and demand has so exceeded supply that nearly every supposed hate crime - Smollett, anyone? - has been faked by the supposed victims. "But, there's video!" OK - maybe the NAACP struck gold again after all this time, but…
All posts in guns
Rolf Nelson [https://www.thestarscameback.com/2019/11/11/st-possenti-order-of-is-real/] shares a few thoughts at MOTW [https://www.menofthewest.net/god-guns-and-the-written-word/]. After starting with exactly how complicated a simple-sounding question like "what is the best gun/ammo/etc to buy" can be, he digresses to the less than obvious complexities of fountain pens, for people who've only written with cheaply available ball-pojnt or gel pens... (and yes, ball point, at least technical pens,…
Not too long ago there were two shootings on military bases. The usual level of hysteria and amplification was likely dampened by the fact that the desired "angry white male" that the left and media (but I repeat myself) have been getting themselves off dreaming of since the days of the DC sniper, was typically, yet again furtively wished for yet not present. What might surprise most people, though likely fewer people who read me, is that military basis are largely de facto gun-free zones. Thi…
Most people don't comprehend the difference between "cover"- something that protects you from shrapnel, bullets, etc., and "concealment" - something that hides you from sight. More to the point, they think that a lot of things are "cover" when they're actually "concealment" Several examples: * Home materials [https://www.gun-tests.com/issues/27_11/features/Handgun-Bullets-How-Do-They-Penetrate-in-Home-Materials-26552-1.html#.XcjNky-ZN24] * 9mm penetration test [https://gear-report.com/…
This is a week that perfectly fits under "improved user expereience," aka "it's a feature, not a bug." I cannot go into details, but the short version is that the week was supposed to start with a server migration, and then go on from there. As it turned out, the week was the server migration, struggling to find time to get other things that needed to be done while assisting the people actually responsible for said migration in troubleshooting, etc. Filed under things that did not work - the m…