Life has been conspiring to inspire me, and a few more posts are getting prepped. In the meantime, here are a few more bits that don't deserve a long treatment. First, Men of the West [] has picked up some of [] my posts [], and will do so in the future when my articles fit their needs. It's a site I've regularly kept an eye on as they cover a broad range of subjects from the practical [https:…
I'll let the following two, via worldmeters [], largely speak for themselves, in regards to anyone talking about how badly the US is fucking up the Covid response. First - death rates per 1 million people. We're not doing as well as, say, Germany, but even excluding Spain and Italy, we're not doing as badly as a number of first world European nations, despite significant handicaps in logistics and cutlural consistency and behaviors. Second, d…
I have the pleasure of knowing Jon Mollison [], Alexandru Constantin [], and Sky Hernstrom. I got to know Sky Hernstrom as a friend before I knew he was an author, and had not read any of his work until he had released The Law of Wolves , and Mortu and Kyrus in the White City. Alexandru over at Dacian has proposed a kind of book-club blog discussion, which Jon has picked up on. A…
Unfortunately, as I wrote it, the quote that inspired my most recent post on safety was utterly forgotten. During the Battle of Belleau Wood in WW1, First Sargeant Daniel Daly, 73rd Machine Gun Company, USMC, exhorted his men with the call "Come on, you sons-o'-bitches! Do you want to live forever?" before charging the Germans. Interestingly, Daly himself apparently disputes that, and claims he said "For Christ's sake men—come on! Do you want to live forever?" In either case, this quote was imm…
A While back I'd written a post on safety being important, but not the most important thing []. Safety has to serve repeatably getting things done, and is not an ultimate virtue in and of itself. Put another way, there is a difference between staying alive, and living. Every choice involves risks, and one of the most common causes of death is slipping in the shower or bathtub. A guy can die as a result of simply falling over in his house and hitting his h…