Lies and Consequences - Game Theory and Decision Trees

Lies and Consequences - Game Theory and Decision Trees

One thing that's clear in a lot of cases involving violence is that a lot of people are ust idiots. This isn't even about the willingness to believe the narrative of "peaceful" protesters even as buildings burn down and businesses are looted, or the willingness to buy the manufactured set-up because the picture of the cop striking (back at) the (totally peaceful, man) protester is not a set-up at all. There are a lot of people who think stupid shit; take "why do they have to aim for the chest,…

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Lies and Consequences - (Only the) Black Lives (Who's Death We Can Blame on Racism) Matter (When We Can Cynically Wave the Bloody Shirt to Advance Communism).

Lies and Consequences - (Only the) Black Lives (Who's Death We Can Blame on Racism) Matter (When We Can Cynically Wave the Bloody Shirt to Advance Communism).

Three things you'll have troubles convincing normies, especially anyone who still thinks Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown are innocent victims of racism, because that was the media narrative from all the "balanced" news outlets like CNN: * Antifa exists and isn't just a fringe bunch of protestors but chronically uses personal and property violence. Yes, even after they took over Soymalia, built a wall, gunned up, and want ID/paperwork. * BLM is a commie front that isn't about the black m…

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Lies and Consequences - Privilege

Lies and Consequences - Privilege

As I started pointing out in my last post, we already know the Left doesn't care about truth. As good little post-modernists, they only believe that power exists. One consequence of that is that pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is usually a waste of time, except as leverage to point out what their true motives are, or that they are lying through their teeth. "But you believe in principles, right?" Yup. And I believe in reciprocity. The unpacked Christian Golden Rule, or what Taleb would…

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Lies and Consequences - Setups

Lies and Consequences - Setups

One of the things that should be plain to see, yet isn't, is the degree to which the left sets things up so that heads, they win, tails, you lose. Take "Black Lives Matter." Any pushback to the group for the fact that only black lives matter to them, and worse, that only the ones they can cynically blame on racism to beat whites over the head with moral superiority matter, is replied to with accusations that you don't care about black people - an accusation that can lose you your job, and wors…

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Worthiness, and the Common Good.

Worthiness, and the Common Good.

I just ran into this [] , which dovetails nicely with the core moral principle Razorfist was discussing regarding intellectual property: > I’m not a fan of the word “deserve”. In many contexts, these days, it conveys (or breeds) a sense of entitlement, ingratitude and possibly selfishness. Instead, I’ve adopted the term “worthy”. I don’t deserve nice things. However, I am worthy of them. Whe…

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