Of Course They Were Lying

Of Course They Were Lying

The recent controversy that has caused more BLM-inspired riots (as if they need a reason)was the shooting of an “unarmed” black man by a cop (black, but it’s all whitey’s fault anyway, donchaknow), who’s daughter turned on her camera and promptly told the world he was completely innocent and just holding a book. In addition to the riots, tweets went out with how a black man with a book was more dangerous than a black man with a gun. Yeah, right.While I was willing to consider the possibility th…

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"No Evidence..." and Other Bullshit

"No Evidence..." and Other Bullshit

First – I was wrong [https://thelastredoubt.com/2016/09/isis-again-coincidentally.html]. I wrote that I “have yet to hear insistence that Islam had nothing to do with it.” – and I hadn’t – but only because I didn’t dig further into the official statements by Cuomo, de Blasio, etc. We’re getting responses like [http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/17/us/nj-explosive-trash-can/]: > Bomb experts will analyze the device and how it was made, according to CNN senior law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes. “It co…

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Man, I absolutely love the little stick toy the dudes playing with, got one set at a ren faire, but that’s not why I’m posting this shot. That said, I brought you this lovely image because it looks like the god KEK has a sense of humor. Or Eris. They can fight over it, I’ll stay out of the way. Just look at the sign being held up on the hood, and the full glory of their attitude towards that which got them there in the first place.…

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Subverting the Constitution

Subverting the Constitution

Yup, it’s Labor Day, and aside from taking the day off from office time – something I rarely got to do in the Military – it’s a holiday I’m truly ambivalent about (at least it’s not on May 1). So I’m posting. Not a lot (see enjoying the day off), but posting. Of note today is Tom Kratman’s latest [http://www.everyjoe.com/2016/09/05/politics/on-hillary-clinton-treaty-power-citizens-united/#1] . Tom Kratman is the author of the highly recommended “State of Disobedience,” available for free, and…

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