I’ve almost certainly been guilty of overly, exhuberantly, promoting Eric S Raymond’s “Ethics from the Barrel of a Gun. [http://www.catb.org/esr/guns/gun-ethics.html]” As a discussion of how daily carrying creates an awareness of consequences and ingrained awareness and caution/responsibility, it’s core three tenets are broadly applicable, and available, to a lesser or greater degree, in any environment where awareness of life – or – death decisions are the norm. > The first and most important…
All posts in philosophy
Dr Jordan Peterson at Harvard. **(This video is no longer available)**Yeah, the title of the vid is melodramatic, and if you’ve listened to his (highly recommended) podcast little of this is new. Pay attention to the questions being asked. Straw men and weasel words.For an institution that supposedly concerns itself with “truth”, rigor, logic, philosophy, etc. seem sadly lacking. The questions come across as an attempt to pin him down to badthink rather than an attempt to have him elabroate his…
I had recently went into a few differences [https://thelastredoubt.com/2017/06/free-speeches.html] I’d seen between what Maher was raked over the coals for, and what Kathy Griffin was taken to task for. I didn’t clarify why I’m actually OK with campaigning against Kathy Griffin, or similar outrage against Aslan [http://voxday.blogspot.com/2017/06/cnn-cans-aslan.html] at CNN. It comes down to this saying: > When I am weak I am for free speech because that is your principle. When I am strong I…
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Simple enough. Those of us in the west have heard it before, and likely have heard one of the common versions from other cultures. From Buddhism: Hurt not others with that which pains yourself. From the Talmud: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary. It is important to note though: the majority of other versions are negative, proscriptive, whereas the commonly stated Chris…
I was first introduced to Jordan Peterson on Stefan Molyneux’s show.Jordan Peterson is an atheist. Regardless, unlike many, even if only on a mythological level, he has a far more understanding view of religion and the role it, or something like it, needs to play than many who are not believers, and a far deeper understanding of the symbology than many who are. It’s hours and hours of listening, but episodes 9, 10, 12, and 13 of his podcast, “Maps of Meaning” are well worth every minute. Castin…