Automating Backups, Part 2

Automating Backups, Part 2

In my last post [] I covered how to get a proper dump of the database. I have, of course, verified the backup of the database. For ghost you can easily do so by spinning up another instance with ghost - this will require a DNS entry or update depending on if it's a replacement or a separate verification instance. Services such as Digital Ocean make it easy to spin up an instance for a couple hours and then destroy them. Update it to the same…

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Automating Backups - Part 1

Automating Backups - Part 1

After having some issues manually messing around with the backend of my install, I started digging into the issue of "hey, it's nice I can manually dump my entire text contents into a .json file but that can't be scheduled in the GUI or dumped via command line" - especially since there still are some gotchas like "running ghost config without any parameters creates a new config file for the particular env" lurking about. Also, the one "ghost for beginners" guide I could find on backups assumed…

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More on Ghost

I know I gave an overview of my impressions so far, but previously had written about it from my point of view, of a guy who’d had some experience with spinning up virtual servers, coding database driven website, and html. So, let’s take a look at what people are complaining about in ghost. Most of these are from this whiny straw man filled post here [] . * It’s just the new hotness * It requires command line setup…

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Ghost - An Overview

Ghost - An Overview

While I'd already done enough digging around to know that Ghost would be a good platform to migrate to, there were nevertheless a few things that caught me by surprise. One moderately miffing me, the others for the better. Migration This was the big win. One could kindof get content exported out of wordpress in preparation for Joomla, and ditto Drupal, the latter has convergence issues, and while the backend has some fantastic ideas, the infrastructure is not turnkey for individuals who just wa…

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Back Up

Back Up

Had a few DNS hiccups - remind me to go over what I've suddenly decided I don't like about using Dreamhost as a registrar, but not deal breakers - but once DNS shifted over and I reran ghost setup to get ghost restarted, the SSL cert regenerated, and NginX restarted with said SSL cert in place, most of it fell into place. I still have some experimenting to do with a few other features, and absolutely need to pick a new theme, and am going through a few posts at a time to clean up some…

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