Unleash The ILoH
In a facebook post noting how Vile770 was treating him and not letting him reply, Mike Glyer accuses Jon Del Arroz of lying. When asked point blank to put up or shut up with an example, he smarmily continues to throw innuendo. Then Larry Correia walks into the conversation.
So the lying character assassin thinks I’m mean and immature because I won’t accept his bullshit.
Fuck you. Insults are all you deserve, cur.
Normally when I argue with people online there is some verbal sparring and attempts at humor. Not with Glyer. With him I’ll speak plainly. He is scum.
His band of psychos is the reason my kids can’t use their real names on the internet. He feeds their asinine jealously and spite through a passive aggressive and highly biased “reporting”, all while he plays at being impartial and honest.
He’s the lowest form of liar. He follows a pattern, pick a target, “report”, usually in the most biased, shitty, sleazy way possible. Knowingly painting people as things they aren’t, then riling up the mob to destroy their reputation.
Like in Jon’s case, if the author unwittingly tries to set the record straight, Glyer will act all impartial and nice, all honey and sweetness, but he’s a viper. And as soon as it helps his shitty pathetic traffic, he starts the process over again.
I’m in author groups. He does this to everyone naive enough to buy into his act.
Even though he knows I think he is lower than whale shit, he routinely links to my blog simply because he knows it will rile up his psychos.
Then when the psychos are attacking your rep and threatening your business, he acts all nice, like oh I’m just a guy with a fanzine that reports the news, as he tosses another bucket of blood in the water.
I just delete all his trackbacks. Honestly, his blog traffic is so pathetic that on any given day he doesn’t even make the top 10 in my referrers list.
Glyer is doing his pathetic little dance here now because he can’t stand someone having his number. He likes to play at being a journalist, but he’s just a petty, sad, little man.
Now he is reduced to arguing like a little kid, trying to get the last word in, with feeble little jabs, because he simply can’t handle being exposed for the snake that he is.
And once he gets done poisoning the well against Jon, he will move onto the next author who gets out of line.
Because Glyer isn’t even a bully. He’s something worse. He’s a ring leader. He doesn’t even have the balls to be a bully. He’s a worm tongue, whispering lies, and stirring up bullies.
Mike Glyer is a piece of shit.
Haven’t had the chance to read them yet, but Jon’s a cool guy, and people who’s judgement I trust have said his stuff is worth reading. Check out Rescue Run, and the upcoming For Steam and Country (awesome title BTW)