A bit on Cobert caught my attention for so egregiously slamming Trump, and Mika and Joe being on, and the level of “but I was only just”, “but they were only just”, and recasting what has happened – say, regarding judge Curiel, was astounding. I could go on and on, but I won’t. But a reminder – they lie. A smaller example. This is less for the “oh boy they lie, grr…..” but to show you how totally and brazenly they’d lie, and because the videos by Peterson, like damn near everything of his, ar…
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During gamergate, we got to some serious idiocy under “don’t you know how a browser works?” Among others, we got to see people posting screenshots of “hate messages” sent to them – with the submit button waiting for the message to post still present, unsent. So enter Kurt [http://www.staresattheworld.com/2017/06/terror-swastika-eichenwalds-bugbear/]. Browsers have tabs. If you’re going to screenshot something, yo umay want to make sure that you don’t include other tabs, windows, your desktop, e…
A couple days back I posted a couple videos [https://thelastredoubt.com/2017/06/two-stupid-statements.html], one by Razorfist, the other by the inimitable Stefan, on two different cases of free speech. One bothers me a lot more than the other. I’ll go ahead and let on that the Kathy Griffin one bothers me more, and I’m sure any liberal types who come across here will immediately assume it’s because I’m a racist. Sasse set him up with the comment about working the fields, which, have you seen N…
We’ve had some doozies recently for dumb statements. For example, Kathy Griffin and the whole “severed Trump head” thing. Stefan goes into some serious detail here: Then there’s the uproar over Bill Maher, which finds Razorfist going to bat for him. Sortof.I’ll leave you with these for now – but I’ll be going into why, despite both having free speech, these cases are different.…
I’ve mentioned before – socialism is evil [https://thelastredoubt.com/2016/12/socialism-is-evi.html]. I’ll go further. Leftism is a death cult of the mind, of the spirit, of thought, and finally, of bodies. Jordan Peterson can indeed argue that post-modernism didn’t come about until the 70’s – which explains why, even as murderous as they were, the leftism of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao were at least coherent, and so were their followers in the west – but I would argue that while it may not have gone…