It’s not exactly newspeak, or the memory hole, but there’s something very unsettling about a “news” network that blurs out a candidates name as if that is obscene…. Go read the original article [] to see what they arewilling to show (cops are pigs socks).…
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A Huffington Post reporter discovers that censorship isn’t only the province of government, and in an Orwellian way. (Video has since been removed) I know it’s tempting to say “told you so.” I also think the shock of this will eventually wear off. He wasn’t entirely unprepared – he had noted earlier that the coverage seemed very one-sided – but I daresay he had not realize how systemic this was until it directly impacted him as well. The real question then becomes – will Youtube follow Twitt…
The guys at the Morning Joe show their asses [] again. My only real comment is on the headline: Morning Joe Rips Trump Mex Trip: ‘Flip-Flop, Nonsensical, Sociopath’ We all know SJW’s project, but I’ve run into clinical narcissists, borderlines, and sociopaths: a spectrum of the broken, the emotionally stunted, and non-empathetic. I’ve also dealt with a lot of smart people who didn’t get the fa…