What Is War Good For?

What Is War Good For?

Aurini has been on fire recently, with some excellent videos and a great recent posting on Libertarianism being an effect, not a cause [http://www.staresattheworld.com/2016/10/libertarianism-effect-not-cause/]. That said, i believe I have to address one question he asked: > War is distinct from other necessary evils that all societies must provide for – fire departments, for instance. Firemen produce nothing of value, and yet they’re an expense that must be paid to mitigate the damage done when…

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On Chronic Kinglessness

On Chronic Kinglessness

Free Northerner has some interesting thoughts [http://freenortherner.com/2016/10/14/chronic-kinglessness/] on how today, nobody has power: > This is the secret of politics and modern society: nobody is in charge, no one has power, and nobody is running the show: not the people, not the corporations, not the politicians, not the bureaucrats, not the courts, not the military, not the journalists, not the bankers, not the white male patriarchs, not the SJW’s, not the Jews, not Davos, not the Bild…

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Context is Everything

Context is Everything

Before we get into the rest of this discussion, watch these two videos. Ignore the obvious checkbox demographics, because these two ads make a very clever point – the same words, delivered in different contexts, can mean something completely different. These, among other things, makes clear the importance of “frame”, by the way. Even if you wrote out these scenes, completely stripped out the body language, the intonation, and simply described the setting and who was speaking, the differences in…

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Charlie Daniels - on Politicians

Charlie Daniels - on Politicians

I discovered this statement by Charlie Daniels [http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/charlie-daniels/charlie-daniels-what-hell-has-happened-our-country] courtesy of Peter Grant [https://bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com/2016/10/charlie-daniels-lays-it-on-line.html] . > Any conversation about what is wrong in America usually starts and ends with scathing criticism of the men and women we send to the National and State Capitols to represent us and handle the business of running our nation. And while…

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The Growing Realization of the Necessity of Christianity

The Growing Realization of the Necessity of Christianity

Vox Day takes a look [https://voxday.blogspot.com/2016/09/why-he-was-wrong-about-christianity.html] at Tom Howard’s journey from religion, and back, adding this tidbit: > And it occurs to me that one of the keys to the success of the Alt-West is going to be a) Christians realizing that Churchianity is not Christianity and driving it out of their institutions and places of worship combined with b) non-Christians realizing that Christianity is, far from being a societal negative, a societal nece…

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