The Clamor For Student Debt Forgiveness

The Clamor For Student Debt Forgiveness

…is, as Stefan notes, a de-facto admission that college degrees are often not worth the investment. The relevant discussion starts at around 1:40, but, as usual, the whole damn show is well worth watching. It actually makes sense, and is a devastating argument. Sure, I’ve argued that college/university, outside of some technical fields, is no longer worth the investment – and of course been called anti-education for my pains despite said complainer knowing my wall full of books. As an aside, m…

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Identity Politics, Free Trade, and the Intolerant Minority

Identity Politics, Free Trade, and the Intolerant Minority

I have a lot of respect for David Horowitz. He’s a die hard convert from the communist left, has incisive insights, and unlike the neocon crowd was anything but #nevertrump, even calling out Bill Kristol in an article that was paraded as proof of Breitbart’s “anti-semitism” (without of course, reference to who actually wrote it…) That said, his idealism sometimes gets the better of him [] . I’m not going to post…

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OK. First John Wick 2 and Now This

OK. First John Wick 2 and Now This

Yes, I am a Nolan fanboy. Ever since Memento, as a matter of fact, and I personally think his version of Insomniacompares well with the original. Identity has been a consistent theme of his movies (Inception, Memento, and the batman movies). So has nobility, truth, and adventure. Two of my favorite lines in Interstellaroccur on earth, one about how we used to look up at the stars, and now just look at the dirt – not even ground, dirt,perfectly encapsulates postmodern, typically liberal, narciss…

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More Kipling

More Kipling

While I love poetry, and Kipling is by far my favorite, it’s been the Didact who not only has been posting excellent works, but has been focusing on the works and observations of this man. Go see his latest post [] . Like much of Kiplings work it ponders human nature, and more broadly applies than at first glance.  In a more general sense, it applies to those with no skin in the game who nevertheless wish to tell…

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Intellectual Yet Idiot

Intellectual Yet Idiot

I was looking through my drafts and realized I had fully intended to do a piece on Nassim Taleb’s “Intellectual Yet Idiot [] ” – but the Didact beat me to it with an utterly fantastic article []. It was fun to look over the signs that “you may be an IYI” though and realize a few of them applied to me. Take TED talks. Most of them are worthless. I’…

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