I’d made clear at one point the intense dislike I’ve acquired for the play “Fiddler on the Roof” [https://thelastredoubt.com/2016/09/the-fiddler-on-roof-and-throwing.html]. Mostly because it takes the trouble to show how important tradition is to Tevye and the community, yet at the end tears them all down, without really replacing them. A point can be made that many of the traditions would not survive the the journey to the new world, but that is actually irrelevant. They didn’t have to be. Some…
All posts in philosophy
Among the many things discussed in the recent, fantastic video on the Architecture of Belief I mentioned yesterday [https://thelastredoubt.com/2017/02/stefan-and-jordan-peterson.html]with Stefan Molyneux and the psychologist Jordan Peterson, were issues of mindset, finding purpose, and the power of taking responsibility. Now, I’d listened to Colin Flaherty’s podcast “White Girl Bleed a Lot” for quite some time and highly recommend it, though I’ve cut down a lot. No, not because it’s false – he…
I’ve made no secret that I’m a huge fan of Stefan Molyneux and his philosophy podcasts / videocasts. The various “truth about” series have been thoroughly documented, especially the ones about Trump, and his interviews have been fantastic. An athiest, he has nevertheless, as Vox Day put it, given some of the best Christian sermons one can hear. This is a long conversation – and well worth every single minute. It delves into myth, mindset, self talk, the need for the ineffable and the subjective…
I was looking at a G+ conversation initiated by Eric Raymond when someone of libertarian, nevertrump bent started utterly going off the rails about Trump being a fascist bent on taking over the USA, and his moves just being preparation for a coup. A bit of background. Eric is a libertarian who*explicitly changed his registration to Republican to vote for someone other than Trump in the primaries, but since the election, has found himself defending Trump more and more as the left has become incr…
An ardent feminist was trying to waste my time and attention, spouting about how the God Emperor was taking away abortion rights. I asked, how is he doing so, and got the expected screed on the recent EO denying federal funding to organizations that perform abortions, culminating in “and it’s my right.” I answered: no, it isn’t. No-one has a right to demand that I pay for your choices The simple reason is that there can be no universal right that requires anyone else to act to provide it to…