> “Start by being warm, pleasant, & generous w/every person you meet; but if someone tries to exercise power over you, exercise power over him; & if he messes w/you, remember to keep messing w/him long after he has forgotten about it”. Silver Rule of Fat Tony [https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/972887563164946432] in N. N. Taleb’s #SkinInTheGame I’ve said it before – socialism is evil [https://thelastredoubt.com/socialism-is-evi/]. Not kidding, then or now. While I’ve respected Dr Peterson…
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I hate to do this, but to “get” this or for what I’m about to say to even make sense, you have to do some homework first. I picked this up over at Eric Raymond’s blog – The Brain is a Peirce Engine [http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=7651]. Now, I don’t feel too bad because Eric, not usually at a loss for words himself, posts a link that he wants you to read first as well, over at Scott Alexander’s Slate Star Codex. Specifically, a review of Surfing Uncertainty [http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/09/05/bo…
Often enough one hears from moderates and those who think they are wise, that the truth is always somewhere in between. Bullshit. It’s an attempt to sound clever, to sound like maybe they don’t have everything right, but you certainly don’t either. The simple answer: the truth is. Now. The truth is often far more complex than we can process with many facets, value judgements, and factors that interact in many ways. The truth of poverty is that there are those who, due to advances in technol…
A bit on Cobert caught my attention for so egregiously slamming Trump, and Mika and Joe being on, and the level of “but I was only just”, “but they were only just”, and recasting what has happened – say, regarding judge Curiel, was astounding. I could go on and on, but I won’t. But a reminder – they lie. A smaller example. This is less for the “oh boy they lie, grr…..” but to show you how totally and brazenly they’d lie, and because the videos by Peterson, like damn near everything of his, ar…
One thing that finally caught my interest from the Sargon video I posted about the other day [https://thelastredoubt.com/2017/07/more-fireworks-aka-cnn-dun-fucked-up.html]. Right at 4:25 you get:> “But, all the nice cutesy ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business. How many times in any given movie or show episode, if there's a businessman, he's the bad guy? How often have you heard the line uttered by sai…