For those who haven't unplugged from TV entirely or are considering it [], whether it's because of ready access to older titles (though Netflix has fewer and fewer such options...) or other reasons, it's clear that nihilism has taken ground everywhere and tries to extend its reach along with the tendency of netflix shows to increasingly get woke. Yeah, I know, the 70's is calling. You'd be right. That said, there was a resurgence of h…
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Over at the Economist they ask the question of "What explains America's mysterious baby bust?" []. Immediately under the headline they note "Hispanic Americans are having fewer babies, as are city-dwellers". You don't say? For example, they observe: > The fertility rate has fallen more sharply in large cities than in smaller cities or rural areas (see chart 2). Then immediately try to explain it as follows: > Rents and prices have soared, making it harder to afford a…
And it's a good thing. I posted this Black Pidgeon Speaks video as an addendum to a recent post: Interestingly, I also recently stumbled into - more breathlessly told about - a book called "The Alphabet Versus the Goddess []: The Conflict Between Word and Image". From the description: > This groundbreaking book proposes that the rise of alphabetic literacy reconfigured the human brain and brought about profound chang…
Over at the Unz Report, Steve Sailer presents a nice bit on an excercise in SJW-correct moral relativism [] which backfired: > Whom to Leave Behind? Instructions: The twelve persons listed below have been selected as passengers on a space ship for a flight to another planet because tomorrow the planet Earth is doomed for destruction. Due to changes in space limitations, it has now been determined that only eight persons may go. … Your task is to…
It’s a tool, not an end to itself. Look, we have the right to bear arms, and are free to make choices insofar as we accept responsibility for the consequences of our choices, but not a right to indiscriminately point them while loaded, pulling the trigger. Thus, on the speech front, libel and slander laws. Orwell wrote in 1984 that freedom was the ability to state that two plus two equals four. That there were things that, no matter how imperfect our perceptions, were objectively true, and tha…