Frameworks, Libraries, and Learning Curves

Frameworks, Libraries, and Learning Curves

I've been quiet recently as I've both been prepping for a personal hobby project and putting a customer project to rest. On the work front, I was dealing with a combination of limitations in Amazon's built in VPN and the fact that the IBM environment we were trying to connect to overlapped the VPC. Namely, we needed to do NAT translation across the VPN, and Amazon doesn't do it. OK, fine, spin up a Fortinet instance, or a mikrotik instance, or even just an ubuntu/etc. instance and install Open…

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Time Out

Time Out

While I may suddenly end up with some internet access and the time/inclination to write/post, I'm out of pocket most of this weekend and spending some time off. God bless.…

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Cults, Cats, and McDojos

Cults, Cats, and McDojos

Cataline draws some interesting parallels [] between how both the move Cats, and McDojos, share culthood. > Actually he’s right, this is how a cult does operate. And it’s pretty much what the character of Victoria went through. 1. Invitation to a non-threatening event. 2. Love Bombing. 3. Dangling “the Prize” in front of you 4. Extracting an Agreement that you want “the Prize”.…

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You're enjoying the political shenanigans, when it occurs to you that the perfect capstone to help savor the scene before you [] would be some pocorn. Do not reach for that bag of microwaveable crap. You can buy popcorn, even organic or other high-grade, far more cheaply in 1-pound or larger bags. You can also use a much better and healthier grade of oil than your standard canola or…

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On Ink, Powder, and Faith

On Ink, Powder, and Faith

Rolf Nelson [] shares a few thoughts at MOTW []. After starting with exactly how complicated a simple-sounding question like "what is the best gun/ammo/etc to buy" can be, he digresses to the less than obvious complexities of fountain pens, for people who've only written with cheaply available ball-pojnt or gel pens... (and yes, ball point, at least technical pens,…

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