Dungeon World

Dungeon World

I recently got to take a break from running my own ACKs game to try out a game soneone else was running. We'd previously worked with Blades and Black Magic, an a game inspired by TFT by Steve Jackson Games, but deecided, for an additional change of pace, to go with something more narrative that didn't end up taking hours just to resolve a combat or two. Thus, Dungeon World. The SRD is here [https://www.dungeonworldsrd.com/], and prefab character sheets are here [https://drive.google.com/open?i…

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Skinsuits - spot the NPC edition.

Skinsuits - spot the NPC edition.

I happen to have a PDF of the core FATE rules because they sounded interesting. Not bad, but not a system I saw myself getting a lot of use out of even though I do like some of the more narrative systems, such as Dungeon World. Nevertheless, I'm in a position where another company has identified itself as one I'm not likely to hand money to. Though the fact that they went with the boy-aren't-we-clever soy-tier name of Evil Hat for their company should have been a sign all by itself. Courtesy…

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Old School Computer Games

Old School Computer Games

Aside from classics like Nethackfrom the open source community, a few enterprising souls figured out there was money in old games. There's a reason why GOG first got it's start as "Good Old Games" encapsulting and republishing old games like the original X-Com, Ultima IV, and Privateer. The graphics may have been primitive at best, but the gameplay logic was outstanding and engaging. The Dark Herald treats us to an overview of one such [https://darkherald.net/2020/01/23/it-came-from-my-hard-dri…

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Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy

Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy

After years - I've tried demos of this every year or so since 1999 or so - I finally picked up Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy [https://www.battlefront.com/battle-for-normandy/] by Battlefront. And had my butt handed to me. OK, I'm used to being in the odd situation of doing better against people than the AI, but in this case it was both a combination of my ignorance of the UI - fixed by reading the manual - and the ins and outs of operations at a squad level vice more abstracted wargames…

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Gimme Three Steps

Gimme Three Steps

I've mentioned the Dwimmermount / ACKs campain we run before [https://thelastredoubt.com/for-every-action/], and in both cases I mentioned the cleric Three Steps [https://thelastredoubt.com/something-funny-happened-on-the-way-to-the-dungeon/]. What follows is a perfect example of both how players can gloriously throw total monkey wrenches into a beautifully configured set piece, and how this is made possible by a rules structure that encourages players to tell the GM what they're actually goin…

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