No One Held a Gunn to His Head

No One Held a Gunn to His Head

For those of you who don’t follow Cernovich on twitter, something caught his attention about James Gunn enough to start reposting tweets. Tweets that Gunn later tried to palm off as, and the media is trying to pass off as well, as “jokes”. I’m not going to make you skip over the pictures to get to the rest of the commentary, so I’m leaving them at the end. OK, so “joking about raping kids is obviously exaggeration.” Uh, no. Look at the tweets below and tell me all of them are “exaggerated” b…

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Marketplaces, Ideas, and Customer Bases

Marketplaces, Ideas, and Customer Bases

One of my favorite Kipling poems: AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race, I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place. Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all. We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn: But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind, So we left…

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The TORcott Just Became Less Painful - but losing Schlock will suck.

The TORcott Just Became Less Painful - but losing Schlock will suck.

Aside from the extra hoops I’ll have to jump through to get my hands on John C Wright’s earlier works, the biggest pain point for the TORcott originally, for me, was Brandon Sanderson. I had enjoyed the Mistborn series, and though the second Way of Kings had followed the first in a lot of unnecessary angst to drag the book out before finally coming to a decision, I was at least mostly looking forward to the third one. Mostly. There were a few hints from the “strong women characters” he kept wr…

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SJW Convergence and Comcast

SJW Convergence and Comcast

Another post [] I also discovered via Peter Grant’s Blog [] . Comcast authorized paid time off (1 hour) to protest, and a contract employee decided to counter protest: > I stood with a sign that read “#RememberTheVictims” and also held a photo of a man with whom I used to do business, and was killed in the Orlando night c…

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Speaking of Losing Daring Fireball, and Apple Missteps...

Speaking of Losing Daring Fireball, and Apple Missteps...

To follow up on the notes in my previous post where Apple really dropped the fucking ball – and other people, even fanboys, are arguing that Apple is provably losing it on multiple fronts – John Gruber points [] to an article called “ Capitulation [].” > Yes, I bought a new Mac Pro. For certain values of “new”. Hear me out, though, after the jump. Why? So, my last post […

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