Vox Day takes a look at Tom Howard’s journey from religion, and back, adding this tidbit:
And it occurs to me that one of the keys to the success of the Alt-West is going to be a) Christians realizing that Churchianity is not Christianity and driving it out of their institutions and places of worship combined with b) non-Christians realizing that Christianity is, far from being a societal negative, a societal necessity for any Western civilization.
I had never thought of it as necessary before, but damn if it doesn’t make sense.
First, one of the reasons why, despite Hoyt’s huns, and Eric Raymond, and Larry all having a hands-off attitude toward Vox, I’d gravitated towards the vox populi blog was because independent thoughts, often from separate directions (especially in Eric Raymond’s case), all were converging on a shared set of truths.
Eric, for one, had begun coming to uncomfortable conclusions about whether or not the western civilization we cherished was at all sustainable with the ideals of feminism per se. He still has a hard spot against christianity in line with his atheist/wiccan leanings, though he had also remarked that “white” in victorian-era literature was often about behavior than skin color, and could show the text to demonstrate the truth of the assertion. It’s relevant because it’s one of many factors that points out that the past isn’t the totalitarian theocratic straightjacket progressives teach it to be. He also has come to several uncomfortable conclusions about race, and statistical behavior norms, that, alongside his articles on guns, drive some of his more liberal commenters batshit insane.
Another is Stefan Moleneux – who in several videos now has not only pointed out systemic problems with atheism that drive him to the conclusion that he’d rather live in a society of Christians than one run by atheists, but has also done a video on what evidence or arguments exist that there may be a god, and how the Catholic church built western civilization. Yes, he’s still an atheist, but…
Also see the interview he did with Scott Adams, where they both discuss how their attitude toward Christianity changed, even if Scott particularly is still fervently Atheist.
It’s not specifically about whether or not God exists, or Christianity is true, but that person after person who puts time and thought into these issues is coming to the conclusion that the tenets of the alt-right have merit (Eric) and that regardless of what one believes, that Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, are not only good things, but necessary for the attitudes that built our civilization, and for it to flourish.
And they’re making these conclusions against their own personal interests.