I was held up Friday trying to track down why, oh why, an image backup of a server that had one job, to run a fairly recent version of act, kept failing. That brought me to this post in the help forums: Installation of ACT! reproducibly destroys ability to make Image Backups due to VSS errors [https://community.act.com/t5/Act/Installation-of-ACT-reproducibly-destroys-ability-to-make-Image/td-p/326748/page/4] . Buried in the thread, after the company rep on the forum had basically said "not our p…
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Filed under "stuff doesn't work" and "consequences of lost focus" - I ended up dealing with an interesting bug in the new "Catalina" update for Mac OS. No, not the one giving antivirus and other "data protection" types nightmares about the kernel being locked down, no extensions, etc. It turns out for a lot of people, you walk into a Starbucks, hotel, etc., that when you connect to the wifi, it connects, but that login/authentication sheet that is supposed top open up to allow you on the netw…
I can no longer remember which aircraft it specifically was, but if memory serves, there was a helicopter that had such a tendency to rattle that it was often referred to as "a thousand parts flying in loose formation". Which brings me to Linux. Desktop Linux, courtesy of distributions such as Ubuntu, Mint, ElementaryOS, and Pop!OS, has gotten a lot better about making sure updates didn't break everything. On the server side, things can be dicier. Yes, this has to do with the site upgrade. U…
As much as I appreciate the simplicty of ghost compared to working in Wordpress, when it comes tim e for updates it is.... anything but. Especially if you haven't been keeping up with the incrementals. It also doen't do a graceful job of updating dependencies. So. Before I get into the sordid details, a bit of fun.... Also a scary story [https://www.brianniemeier.com/2019/10/the-blue-light.html] courtesy of Brian Neimeier's Kairos site. Well worth the read. I may have mentioned in the pas…
Two dead and 20 injured after an in-construction collapse of a hotel in New Orleans [https://news.yahoo.com/1-dead-19-injured-hard-095956818.html?guccounter=1]. You can read up if you like, but the upshot is that this is the second time in several years a major construction project literally came apart before it was even completed [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/collapsed-florida-walkway-was-built-using-new-accelerated-bridge-technology-n857166] . I understand "shit happens", but due to…