Worthiness, and the Common Good.

Worthiness, and the Common Good.

I just ran into this [https://80proofoinomancy.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/cant-close-the-closet-on-a-shoe-box-full-of-bones/] , which dovetails nicely with the core moral principle Razorfist was discussing regarding intellectual property: > I’m not a fan of the word “deserve”. In many contexts, these days, it conveys (or breeds) a sense of entitlement, ingratitude and possibly selfishness. Instead, I’ve adopted the term “worthy”. I don’t deserve nice things. However, I am worthy of them. Whe…

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Socialism, and Sophistry

Socialism, and Sophistry

For one boardgame that I play, looking around for other sources of strategy and knowledge, I came across a mailing list dedicated to the game which I largely ended up ignoring for years until it absolutely blew up because the original designer was looking to republish the game and decided to do so with a very, very, no-good and bad person. This is not what this post is about. In the process of the back and forth, most of the crowd, much like the forums at BGG over the GMT and colonialism iss…

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Property Rights

Property Rights

The Didact, in his excellent Memorial Day wrapup for Monday [http://didactsreach.blogspot.com/2020/05/monday-morning-with-fallen-soldier.html] , reminded me that I wanted to cover this commentary by Razorfist on Intellectual Property. The Didact notes: > I used to be a libertardian, so I had a lot of sympathy for the idea of doing away with IP rights entirely, but I was never fully convinced by the arguments against IP. Looking at the arguments given by the Razorfist, he makes a very compelli…

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Being Alive vs Living

Being Alive vs Living

Unfortunately, as I wrote it, the quote that inspired my most recent post on safety was utterly forgotten. During the Battle of Belleau Wood in WW1, First Sargeant Daniel Daly, 73rd Machine Gun Company, USMC, exhorted his men with the call "Come on, you sons-o'-bitches! Do you want to live forever?" before charging the Germans. Interestingly, Daly himself apparently disputes that, and claims he said "For Christ's sake men—come on! Do you want to live forever?" In either case, this quote was imm…

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Safety Third - Covid Edition

Safety Third - Covid Edition

A While back I'd written a post on safety being important, but not the most important thing [https://thelastredoubt.com/safety-third/]. Safety has to serve repeatably getting things done, and is not an ultimate virtue in and of itself. Put another way, there is a difference between staying alive, and living. Every choice involves risks, and one of the most common causes of death is slipping in the shower or bathtub. A guy can die as a result of simply falling over in his house and hitting his h…

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