One of the things I admire about Stefan Molyneux is his ability to face things he doesn’t like. One of these areas has been his recent set of videos discussing religion in a positive light (something he incidentally shares with Scott Adams). In this one, he discusses what evidence exists to point toward the existence of the divine. To refer back at first to Scott Adams, I’m not one for the meat-robot theory. I fully acknowledge we are not rational, often are run by our subconscious, and at a ve…
All posts in philosophy
One other thought related to the Moleneux / Adams interview I already mentioned []. Any system or ideology has to account for failure, and scope is important here. As I alluded to in my poor handling of the twitter idiot []: > LastRedoubt @vfm_5411 LastRedoubt Retweeted Sami Sundell Removing a mole, and a limb, are merely degrees of removing body tissue……
It’s been a long time on this rock, and I’m sure in five or ten years, I’ll think I’m even wiser. Or at least learned a few more lessons the hard way. Nevertheless, I was watching an interview with Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux [], and I was floored by the number of threads that came together for me that I’d been mulling a while. First – background – I’ve been through most of the political spectrum at one time or another, in search of truth. I’ve lef…
There is a common, belief that “diversity” is a moral good. That is unalloyed bullshit. It is at best value neutral. Would you trust a steel that was “diverse” with random materials tossed in for “diversity”? If you penned up sheep and wolves together, how “diverse” will your collection of beasties remain? And how many sheep will remain? Diversity is only good or bad in an antifragile sense – to the degree to which it allows multiple solutions to a problem to be tried, with the ones that do…