Ace of Spades is, as Vox Day noted, coming around, as evidenced by a recent post [] on how “How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom”: > Donald Trump isn’t the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. They’re the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults, their riots, their violence, and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy. There aren’t any rules an…
All posts in philosophy
> *To demand that others suffer responsibility for the consequences of your choices and actions, is the heart of tyranny. * A favorite tagline I see over on Pournelle’s site, is “Free men are not equal, equal men are not free.” It is catchy, and encapsulates very nicely a central theme of the book “Equality: The Impossible Quest [] ” that equality is a myth, that any attempt to establish equality on one axis inevi…
In question 4 of episode 3542 [] of Stefan Molyneux’s podcast at free domain radio, Stefan is debating determinism, and though a typically excellent podcast, I think had problems getting through to the caller what was meant by “The whole is greater than the sum of his parts.” OK. The caller may or may not have been teachable in the moment, but I do want to suggest another metaphor. First, let me di…
No, I’m not kidding. I fully realize that there are some damn good people who fully believe in socialism. Some, like Orwell, have the excuse that it hadn’t been broadly applied such that it’s inherent failures could be exposed for all the world to see – and even he, as time went on, began to change his views. It’s no coincidence that 1984 and Animal Farm were eviscerations of totalitarian systems like the Soviet Union, or just in general. Others, well intentioned, not necessarily stupid, though…
As I promised in my update to the first article [], what does free trade have to do with the intolerant minority? The very first example that Taleb discusses in his article [] is the ubiquity of the kosher food choices. The upshot is that between logistical simplicity, the unwillingness of one party to accept…