An interesting post on the impossibility of utopias at Empire Must Fall [] . > Every utopia fails. They fail because the consequences of their contradictions finally hollow them out and cause them to collapse, which is exactly how empires falls, and often by the same ultimate event: insiders turn traitors and throw open the gates to hostile outsiders. > And yes, I do mean every utopia. The excuse is irrelevant;…
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I sat a while on this post from Searching For Dragons called “Evil: is Not a Thing?” [] I can’t even excerpt it. It is at times vulgar – because it looks at something very ugly. It is gut wrenching, because it turns our attention to the truly vile, and dares us to refuse to believe it exists. In an excellentrecent podcast [], Jordan B. Peterson, who has also been on Stefan…
Finished Watching: “Castle in the Sky”, Directed by Hiyao Miyazaki [] > What an incredible film. Truly incredible. > If anybody hasn’t seen it, and has the remotest interest in adventure films – I mean, like, if you thought “Indiana Jones” was “sort of okay” – watch this movie right now. To me it suffers a bit – mostly because Mark Hamill’s voice in the english dub throws me out of it for some odd reas…
> I said in a [recent posting]( “I care more about arriving at the truth than already having it when I started a conversation.” My blog header also states: “This blog is a redoubt in search of truth in a world darkened by lies,” and I have [argued]( that when we want to throttle petty, tyrant bureaucrats that it is not just *simple *honesty we crave, but that “We wa…
I know what I know I'll sing what I said We come and we go That's a thing that I keep In the back of my head -Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know", Graceland I was digging around some odds and ends over at the Didacts site, chasing rabbits down holes, and “INTJ” caught my eye. He has posted [] several [] times […