Lending Meaning to Choice

Lending Meaning to Choice

A drum I’ve beaten over and over again with my game group – I want the choices my characters make to mean something other than “I get through the adventure, I gain XP”. It’s one reason that, if I’m running a game, I’m running ACKs, though I’m looking forward to some Traveller (book) play at some point as well. It’s why, as I alluded to earlier, I also prefer modules to “adventures” and “adventure paths”. So, someone going by “Raging Owlbear” posted that, after the game expectations were set, a…

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Another aspect of "Games are the new TV"?

Another aspect of "Games are the new TV"?

From “How the War on Video Games is Hurting Your Son [https://buildingboys.net/how-the-war-on-video-games-is-hurting-your-son/]“. > Parents who may have played video games a bit when they were younger but have now stopped, when they see their sons and daughters sitting in front of a TV and playing games, they often think that the kids are essentially watching TV. That it’s just a waste of time. > But really,  video games are so much more in children’s lives. They play with each other in games…

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Have a couple posts mulling in my head that are not yet ready to be put down, nor to have a chunk broken off to post (usually later figuring out that’s all I need to be said). One topic is from several recent articles of SJW’s in tech and a couple of [http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=6907] old postings [http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=2122] over at Eric Raymond’s Blog. The second link is an article on Kafkatraps [http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=2122] well worth reading on its own… and if you search for the…

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Star Realms - the Game

Star Realms - the Game

Well -tried the game out finally. I’m not a huge fan of deck-builders generally – the kind where you build your deck in-game – but have been reasonably successful playing my friends in the DC comic themed games, and seriously considering buying Core Worlds. Overall, I liked it, despite the usual huge frustration at watching opponents grab up the cards I want and then trying to figure out how they’re chaining together 30-40 points of damage when I can’t stop my 1-point scouts from popping up. F…

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My First Palladium

My First Palladium

Over at Castalia, on guilty pleasures no-one has played [http://www.castaliahouse.com/guilty-pleasures-rpgs-you-probably-wont-play/]: > I’ll always have a bit of a soft touch for Palladium games. I mean… no sooner had I stumbled across a stray copy of the iconic Moldvay Basic D&D set, than I had a desire for something like that, but weirder. And Palladium was right there waiting with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. After the cartoon and the movies, it’s hard to imagine how f…

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