I’d looked in the past at how to do jerky, but hadn’t wanted to buy a dehydrator, and never had an oven around that could go low enough to not cook the meat. Well, Quintus Curtius pointed me in a new direction [http://www.returnofkings.com/116667/how-to-make-beef-jerky], whereupon I felt mildly dumbfounded that I hadn’t thought of it or seen it before. Basically – all you need is airflow. And salt. Oh, and to keep it away from pets not only to not having it get eaten, but if your dog sheds (hu…
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I can second every word of this article on cast-iron cookware [https://www.menofthewest.net/cast-iron-cooking/], including this excerpt: > Since cast iron is made from the same stuff Hephaestus used in his forges for side projects like his automata delivery service to Olympus, you can use it just about anywhere. Stove top, in the oven, out over an open fire camping, cast iron don’t care. It’s the honeybadger of cookware. Bought a large – 10″ or so – skillet to cook on, and while it gets less…