One more time……
All posts in art
No buildings in this one, but ice.…
Absolutely love the use of light in his landscapes and buildings.…
One of my guilty pleasures is a fun book that I enjoy, even if it is far from great, The Guns of Two-Space by Dave Grossman and Bob Hudson. One thing that shines through in that book and its predecessor are a love of poetry and beauty. From TGoTS – the second book – > It violates the First Law of Art, Carmack’s Law, which says, ‘If I can do it, it’s not art.’ How many years of art school did you have to go to to learn to splash paint on a canvas like that? If someone studies music…
A pretty interesting article on video games, and whether they are “art” [] .. > The Last of Us is a truly great game. Many have written about it, including me. I recommend it very highly. But here’s what bugs me. The cutscenes of The Last of Us told a very good story. Those cutscenes, all together, would make a solid B+ zombie movie. But when bloggers wrote about it, they treated the actual game part of The Last of…