Three Tweets

One of the reasons I left Libertarianism, to the “small L” extent that I ever was, boiled down to one simple fact – it failed the Starship Troopers test.

Namely, it assumed angels of men, or a static society of people who, coincidentally, believed in serving the greater society around them to prevent organized incursions by power seekers and nation states. With the caveat that at least they understood that ultimately, there is a point where one’s imperfect scope of knowledge about other people, no matter how many facts one collects, renders it impossible for even well-meaning centralized power to do as well for an antisocial junkie as his own admittedly bad decision making, and that frankly, if people can be counted on and trusted, ultimately they have to take responsibility for their own decisions and the consequences – they cannot be abrogated.

Yet, in the end, it’s the flip side of globalism. There is nothing intrinsic in it that prevents a man from granting passage to an invading army as long as they leave him alone and pay a nice toll, because neighbors will suffer, not him. Free movement of good, peoples, and capital is just as free of borders as one overarching world-dominating tyranny.

Even to the extent he was Libertarian, and not simply libertine, a look at Starship Troopers attempts to address these questions – how does one structure a society so that there is enough “skin in the game” regarding the ongoing survival and legacy of that society so that the people with authority to act are willing to sacrifice of themselves for the common good, and not simply gather power for its own sake? What legal or social controls or traditions are needed? How do you get people to invest in their communities instead of just themselves?

It’s where, if I recall, I grasped the idea that authority and responsibility need to , roughly , match.

Given the reality of IQ, and that some people can’t even – and this may be literally true given how imprinting and other addictive behaviors can rewire the brain – stop themselves from shooting up even when they know it may kill them, or use up the grocery money for their kids, how do we structure society so that those who can, choose wisely, and those that cannot, do not get responsibility?

As a total aside, the implications on that for the franchise, are sobering. Not just in terms of service for full-ticket citizenship, which in ST does account for stupid people who nevertheless have enough sense to know 2+2 equals four.

It’s instructive though, that the same crowd that absolutely loved Stranger in a Strange Land, “he gets it,” hated Starship Troopers for it’s Fascism. yet, the two aren’t really opposed – the society that Michael Valentine finds himself in has lost its way and is in a death spiral of its own crazy years. Also, it’s worth asking what kind of person – no matter if he wants society changed for the “better” or likes it the way it is – doesn’t factor in “how do we preserve this, keep it going?

That, ultimately, is also where, morality and questions of where life begins, etc., aside, the current trends to promotions of hedonism, promotion of homosexuality, women’s careers uber alles, and so forth ultimately will fail on a pragmatic level. Maybe any one would be survivable – but it never is just one, and eventually, a little here, a little there, and suddenly you’re being nickled and dimed to death.

So it’s instructive to look at this tweet – the Poles get it. Yeah, technically socialism is different, but it’s only in a matter of degree, and without resistance, needs to assume control of more and more aspects of life to try to achieve its goals. Yes, the Nazis were, just barely, to the right of the communists – because they at least believed in nationalism for themselves, with everyone else subject to them.

The attitude of those truly on the right is clearly visible in this banner:

The media says Polish Nazis are marching en masse. Hmm.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 12, 2017

As a reminder, Communism, socialism, and post modernism, they’re a death cult. They kill the intellect, they kill truth, the very concept even, and in the end, unchecked, they kill their own people on an industrial scale.

Over the past 100 years, communists on average killed 2,740 people every. single. day. That’s about a 9/11 every day for a century. 100 years ago today, they took over Russia. They want your country too.

— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) November 8, 2017

I love this last one. Short, sweet, to the point.

Periodic reminder that "seize the means of production" means "kill people and steal their shit."

— Mr. X (@stillglomar) November 12, 2017