The Butthurt is Gloriously Strong at Forbes

The Butthurt is Gloriously Strong at Forbes

Forbes recently published an article on Chuck Johnson titled “A Troll Outside Trump Tower Is Helping To Pick Your Next Government“.

Yeah, the butthurt is glorious.

An internet troll, who was once called “the most hated man on the internet” and is banned from Twitter, is recommending candidates to serve in the Trump administration.

Charles “Chuck” Johnson, a controversial blogger and conservative online personality, has been pushing for various political appointees to serve under Donald Trump, according to multiple sources close to the President-elect’s transition team. While Johnson does not have a formal position, FORBES has learned that he is working behind the scenes with members of the transition team’s executive committee, including billionaire Trump donor Peter Thiel, to recommend, vet and give something of a seal of approval to potential nominees from the so-called “alt-right.”

The proximity to power is something new for Johnson, a self-described “journalist, author and debunker of frauds,” who has made a name for himself by peddling false information and right-wing conspiracy theories online. In the months leading up to the election, Johnson, 28, used social media and his website to stump for the President-elect while also publishing misinformation on Trump’s detractors. Now, Johnson is helping to pick some of the leaders who may run the country for the next four years.

Troll, like “racist” is something liberals call people when they have nothing better that “you’re hurting our feelings” to fall back on. The only reason I give this article any credibility whatsoever is that my initial response to the article is not the “oh crap” I’m sure Forbes is aiming for, but instead “awesome.” That said, it’s likely this is just another fever dream called up in the vein of “Russhia Haxxed Mai Elecshunz”. Oh, and we can’t have any approval from the alt-right, can we?Love how he’s labeled “fakenews” without actually using the term – “*peddling false information and right-wing conspiracy theories*“. I will grant this – GotNews has hysterically hyperbolic click-bait headlines. Typing the articles in all caps might actually tone them down. Yet, everything I’ve seen there is meticulously researched, with backing information, a lot of which has enough info for you to cross reference it yourself. While they don’t retract, they constantly post updates as new information comes to light.

This is of course far different from so called “news organizations” that butcher video to claim the opposite of what the video shows you.

In the end, I’m not sure if this is true or not. If not – hey, I don’t expect accuracy anymore out of the legacy media. If so – then I’m sure I’m hardly the only person who thought “awesome,” and they will fail in scaring people off.