It's Just Business, Man (Projection)

One thing that finally caught my interest from the Sargon video I posted about the other day.

Right at 4:25 you get:

“But, all the nice cutesy ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, that’s adorable. That’s adorable. This is a business.

How many times in any given movie or show episode, if there's a businessman, he's the bad guy? How often have you heard the line uttered by said businessman: “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.”

We know SJW’s – and to a lesser extend, libs – project, but how often is it so clearly shown? They think businessmen stole everything, that “ethics” have no place in business, so of course they write such characters, and of course they cannot be trusted to tell the truth (SJW’s always lie).

Update: I wrote this last night to post this morning, but apparently the thought has been in other people’s minds as well. In discussing why you never hire SJW’s one user suggested, in reply to a possible 4th law that SJW’s always need meds:

I prefer “SJWs always steal.”

Why do they think that businesses are just big bags of money waiting to be redistributed?

Because that’s how they handle other people’s money.

One thing I’ve seen SJWs do at various enterprises, for-profit and nonprofit, is divert money to remodeling their offices, leasing cars (“for official business,” which includes their personal business), conducting “offsite team building events” at expensive resorts, et cetera.

Update In recently cleaning up old posts, I revisited this, and realized I'd overlooked something.

The left tends to project a sociopathic/cluster-B single-iteration game theory personality on businesspeople. This is, of course, projection. It's worth remembering that not all business transactions are iterated, regardless of what the other party may mislead you into thinking. We're prone to thinking of repeat business, and fair dealing, and projecting that as well.